Mr. Brown's renovated girl is quickly introduced to his penalty point system when her diverse misdemeanors are exposed. Her large cheeky bottom is ripe for a lively paddling from Mr. Brown, and although he makes good use of his time through her, his enjoyment is short-lived. Relishing the chance to set his own marks on her lovely expanse of posterier, Mr. Brown's intimate, Bill, comes in and takes over.Stephanie is a very enchanting model, confident in her beauty. When she finds out her tasteless-mate has stolen bdsm art and drawings an important, well-paying job, she confronts her. It appears sexual favors had been extended to bdsm gay torture the casting adviser. This Infuriates Stephanie, because she too had allowed him to cane her native strength several days before. She decides the only thing to do is to accord. the girl the same hantail bdsm punishment that she has received. Except she includes a valid thrashing with the cane.
Genres: BDSM (spanking, cane)
File bdsm anal: wmv